Tag: Stephen King

  • Editing can be fun – or so they tell me.

    On Sunday afternoon a wonderful thing happened. I finished the first draft of my second novel. I’m not a Stephen King-type 2,000 words a day writer but I had been consistently pushing out 600-1,000 words every day for the past two or three weeks trying to get the job done. Coming to the end was…

  • May I help you sir?

    Today was not good. It started well enough with a sunny morning and the opportunity to get on with some gardening, but the main task of the day was to drop off some copies of my novel, A Shadowed Livery, at a bookshop who’d initially offered to take some. The reason I’m delivering them myself…

  • A time to write

    I haven’t posted anything for a week or so and I’d like to say it’s because I’ve had my head down redrafting my novel. But it isn’t. In fact, I don’t know where the time has gone. I was reading a post from an author a few days ago where she thought her idea of…

  • Getting it finished

    Promised myself and my potential publisher I’d have the redraft finished by Christmas with head down and hard work. Slipping a disc doing something not in the least energetic put paid to that plan. On my back for two weeks and then unable to sit at the computer for very long meant works was more…