Category: Writing journey

  • How I found a publisher

    This isn’t a ‘how to’ guide, I wish I had the trick, it’s just a quick run-down on how I went about the task and was lucky enough to be successful without too many false trails. There are 114 million results to ‘finding a publisher’ on Google, so there’s no shortage of advice. Try putting…

  • Hitting the ceiling

    I set myself a target last week of getting over the 40,000 word threshold by today. I hadn’t really far to go but was seeing it as a barrier though, strangely, didn’t actually notice the moment I passed it. This may have been because I’d set another wordcount target, just for the day, and was…

  • Where does the time go?

    It seems it’s just under a year since my last post, where has the time gone? I’ve been extremely lucky to find an excellent independent publisher, who has been immensely helpful. So the novel is due to be launched in April by Grey Cells Press, the crime imprint of Holland House. When I thought I…

  • Getting it finished

    Promised myself and my potential publisher I’d have the redraft finished by Christmas with head down and hard work. Slipping a disc doing something not in the least energetic put paid to that plan. On my back for two weeks and then unable to sit at the computer for very long meant works was more…

  • My word, he’s got it!

    The last month has seen an idea stewing. It’s been how to resolve the key clue in the mystery. I’ve had some help, and lots of suggestions, but it didn’t crystalise until the weekend. I spend an hour most Friday’s in a special coffee shop in Killybegs where, over tea and scone, I try to…

  • Starting that novel

    Today I was surfing the ‘net, looking for inspirational writing on writing and came across several books and articles with the title, more or less, of ‘how to start your novel’. Now, believe me, I think these are useful – I’ve read enough of them – and they’re full of helpful information on structure, voice,…

  • On writers’ groups

    One night every week I go to a writers’ group, my literary therapy. There’s eight or nine usually attend and it’s a mix of chat about the small world that is South West Donegal, books, TV, and anything else that takes our fancy plus we share our writing. Everyone is very supportive and encouraging but…

  • Edit, and aids to editing

    This morning, which brought the first frost, is to be spent like most mornings for what seems like the last year, revising. No, not revising for exams but revising the structure and content of a novel I thought I’d finished last Christmas. A jolly tale of three deaths in the Warwickshire countryside before the outbreak…

  • Why mytime4writing?

    Several years ago I attended a writing workshop and received the best piece of advice ever. We were told to write just 100 words a day. To sit down at whatever time suited us (mine’s usually about 6.30am) and to just begin writing. Some days it would be little more than a ‘to-do’ list, others…